
Online Arts Resources
Each Wednesday during the statewide "shelter in place" directive, the FCSS VAPA Team released arts resources for students and families to try at home.
Share you creations via social media using #CreateAtHome.
CLICK HERE to access the weekly arts resources.

The Arts & Title 1
Did you know that the arts are being used all around the country to help achieve the goals of the Federal Title I Program? It's true! Arts programs can help schools achieve the goals of Title I by...
- facilitating student engagement and learning
- strengthening parent involvement
- improving school climate and school wide behavior.
Contact the FCSS VAPA Department today, or visit for more information on how your school and utilize the arts to meet Title I goals!
WHY TITLE I? (via the California Alliance for Arts Education)
CLICK HERE to view the sample Single Plans for Student Achievement (SPSA) for ideas on how your school can increase the arts education opportunities for students while also increasing student engagement, academic achievement,

California's Arts Education Framework and Content Standards
These documents both contain grade level standards for dance, media arts, music, theatre, and visual arts. In addition, the Framework contains valuable resources for planning and assessing a school arts program.

California County Superintendents Arts Initiative
The California County Superintendents Arts Initiative offers a wealth of free materials for schools. Ranging from curriculum guides to professional development modules to assessment strategies, these resources can help implement and enhance arts and arts integration programs grades K-12.
Create California
CREATE CA is our statewide arts education collective impact group. Create CA advocates for high quality arts education for all students by providing policy expertise and by mobilizing a statewide network of advocates and allied partners.